Battle definition is - battalion. How to use battle in a sentence. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun. As measles cases rose last week to a new high of 764 cases this year in 23 states, a battle is heating up in New York state over a proposal to tighten vaccination requirements for those attending schools. — Betsy Mckay, WSJ, 'U.S. Measles Cases Continue to Climb,' 6 May 2019 In order to do.
Praise God, Jesus delivers us and gives us His indwelling Spirit so that we might have victory in our daily spiritual battles. Every day, the Holy Spirit—your Helper and Comforter—is there fighting for you, defending you, and empowering you. He comes to you as a result of your God-given faith in Christ's perfect sacrifice on the cross.
In The Heat Of Battle My Father Wove
However, so many people in the church today tell us, 'Just follow Jesus' teaching and example.' But telling someone to follow Jesus' example without His Spirit's help is like telling a two-month-old baby to walk. It is impossible—and it will only lead to failure and frustration.In the heat of your own spiritual battle, it is vitally important to remind yourself that you are not in this alone. Beloved, I am constantly saying to the Holy Spirit, 'You are with me.
You care about me. You are fighting for me.' I encourage you to do the same today!
Battle -Victory In The Heat Of BattleSometimes we forget about the heat of battle. We are tempted to think that everything should go smooth for a child of God.' Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; donot be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with youwherever you go.' Joshua 1:9, NKJVWhy would God issue this command?
If the Christianlife is a bed of roses and Jesus instantly answers all ourrequests/prayers, why would we need to be strong, courageous, and not beafraid? Are we God's little darlings leading a sheltered life or arewe front line soldiers under going the heat of battle for the? By the way, if you have never read 'Hudson Taylor - God's Man InChina' you should. Here is a man who through faith and prayer broughtthe gospel to China but not without cost.
Hudson Taylor learned to relyon God alone.I realize that in all things there is abalance, but I want to briefly look at why, when we do everything rightthings still go wrong. We have to face the fact that if we are going topossess our land in God personally, nationally, or world-wide we aregoing to face,suffering, and trouble. It is not a sign that we are doing somethingwrong or are out of the will of God. Jesus went to the cross in thewill of God, Paul went to prison and other sufferings in the will ofGod, Job underwent tremendoustrials as a faithful man. None of these suffered because God wasdispleased with them, in fact God was very pleased with them.
He even'bragged' about Job to Satan!Read 2 Chr. Because Hezekiah was faithful one of the most Godlykings Judah ever had God allowed the most cruel nation availableAssyria to invade.Why is this so?
Why does theadvance with the blood and suffering of the saints. There may be manyreasons, but I am going to focus only on one. Jesus defeated Satan atthe cross. As the saints of God and that is you if you are born againstand faithful and thankful in the face of suffering Satan ishumiliated in the presence of God and one more demon power falls. God has allowed us the privilege of sharing in the defeat of Satan and the Kingdom of darkness.
The greater the trial the greater the confidence God has in us.and the greater the reward for us at the end. Jobended up with twice as much as he had at the beginning. When Hezekiahstood firm against the violent hordes of Assyria, God sent an angelonly one was needed and wiped out the Assyrian army.If we are going to experience the victory, we must go throughthe heat of battle. There is no other way.
The hotter the battle, thegreater God's trust in us, and the greater the.However, we must stand strong and courageous and remain faithful toGod even when it appears we are being overwhelmed. If we lose heart,abandon God, whine and complain, we will lose the battle and the reward. There are Christians in the world today giving up their lives for the sake of Kingdom of God. Christians are dying for their faith and 82% of North American Christians can't even 'suffer' enough to pay their.That is not to say God abandons us.
He was with the Israelitesalthough not impressed all through their 40 years of wildernesswhining. He continued to loveand work with them. But it wasn't until they were ready to go into theheat of battle in Canaan against the most demonized armies in the world,that He really got excited.The experience of faithful men and women in thehas been in the end a greater joy and relationship with Jesus althoughsometimes in the midst of the heat of battle we feel abandoned by God.The three Hebrew Children were thrown into the fire because they werefaithful.and in the fire they walked with the Son of God. See Phil.3:10.There are two wrong responses tothe above. One, we can become discouraged at the thought of battle orin the heat of battle. If you have been faithful and God is allowingyou to go through a battle, He trusts you, He loves you, and He will seeyou safely to the other side. God will never allow anything to happen that you through the powerof the Holy Spirit are not able to handle.
Stick with God and youwill possess your land. The second wrong response, is to have a martyrcomplex or go out looking for trouble. We don't go looking for orcreate our own troubles.The rightresponse is to simply faithfully follow God, obey His leading, andcourageously face whatever battles He leads us into. We don't look fortrouble, we don't fear it, but neither are we surprised when it comes.If we are to reach our destiny and possess our land we will facesuffering but through it all as we remain faithful we will comethrough victoriously with a greater relationship with Jesus than we hadknown before.Your Journey Battle.Read author Glenn Davis’s latest fiction book set in the El Empire: Sandy’s faith and courage are put to the extreme test as she must convince others that they have an imposter in charge of the U.A.F.
Gallant starship. Danger lurks around every corner as Sandy and her friends race to unravel this mystery and expose a plot that endangers the life of everyone onboard.Sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter for inspiration in Scripture.Thank You GiftOr you may want to sponsor a page on a monthly basis. This can be a good way to promote a business, charity or for an individual to receive recognition for a page they particularly like.